Business Loan
Getting business loans from banks has been getting tougher. Not only do they have a complicated paperwork process, on top of that, the processing time is also relatively long. Furthermore, if you do not have any assets as collaterals, the chances of you getting your business loans approved from banks are very low. However, fret not as Elite Investment & Credit Pte Ltd is here to help. Our friendly loan consultants will sit down with you to understand the nature of your business and your requirements for the business loan.
At Elite Investment & Credit Pte Ltd – your licensed moneylender, we are committed to assist all businesses, such as sole proprietor and small & medium sized businesses with any immediate financial needs. These include the need for additional cash flow purposes, buying raw materials and equipment, renovation of office, repairing machineries etc. Regardless of the reason for your business loan, we are here to support you by providing highly competitive business loans with flexible repayment scheme.
If you have any questions on our business loans, do call us at +65 6744 4466.
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